
The Importance of Postural Exercises for Aging Well

“Move it or lose it.” You have to keep moving as you age to keep moving well as you age. The importance of postural exercises should not be underestimated in any anti-aging program to maintain looks, functional body parts and a free prideful life of independence without assistance.

The loss of height is associated with a shortened life span. Research shows that losing over 3 cm (just over 1 inch) is associated with increased risk of all causes mortality and coronary heart disease. There was a 43% increased risk of coronary events such as heart attacks, even in men who had no history of cardiovascular disease. Those who lost 3 cm in height were 64% more likely to die than those who lost less than 3 cm. Authors speculated that slumping over postures caused a physical restriction of breathing which significantly increased risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and respiratory mortality.

Balance training reduces falls; which is critical as one ages. Once a fall occurs, there is a 50% chance of another fall within 6 months. Even when not injured, people develop a fear of falling causing them to limit their activities, leading to reduced mobility and physical fitness, and increasing their actual risk of falling. Research concludes that specific balance strategy of postural exercises is superior to traditional classes for improving function and balance.

Exercise helps bodies age better, but you can only exercise in the ways you can move. Restoring normal, smooth motion of restricted muscles and joints in the kinetic chain allows full-range and pain-free full body motion. As you train your body for good posture, and core stability, the body will respond with better range of motion and lessen the pain cycle. Taking time regularly engaging in postural exercises strengthens your body, helps you look good, and gives you greater quality of a pain free life you can enjoy. Simply stated, it is longevity with a higher level of health, henceforth lower longer term health care cost, and quality of an enjoyable pain free life.

Joan Mellum

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